The Lord’s Supper

/Tag:The Lord's Supper

March 2020

“Sacraments”/Matthew 28: 16, 18-20; I Corinthians 11:23-26/Rev. Rodger Allen/3.1.2020

By |March 4th, 2020|Sermons|

{This worship service included the Sacrament of Baptism and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper}              A popular complaint among teenagers in high school and college goes something like this: “How will studying this stuff help me in my life’s work? Why do I have to memorize this piece of information, or take this dumb class?  What does it have to do with anything?” For example: “Why are they making me take French? I’m going into banking, in the United States. When will I ever need French?” Or: “Why should I learn long division? I plan to have a calculator with me anytime I need to do math, ever.” Or: “Who cares what’s the capital of Venezuela?” […]

March 2019

“Table Manners”/ I Corinthians 11: 17, 20-28, 33 Luke 22:14-20/Rev. Rodger Allen/3-10-19

By |March 12th, 2019|Sermons|

So Paul was not very happy with the Corinthians, at this point in his letter. Apparently they were doing some things right as a church, but there were some things like this in which  they were falling short. To understand just what it was they were doing wrong, I’m going to ask you to use [...]

July 2018

“Bringing All We Are to The Table”/Rev. Rodger Allen/Psalm 100; Psalm 88: 1-5, 8-9, 14/7.29.18

By |July 31st, 2018|Sermons|

When we invite someone we don’t know very well over to our homes for dinner for the first time, we expect that their behavior will be fairly formal or proper, don’t we? Imagine having your child’s fiancé’s parents over, for example, as the first time you ever meet. If they had been quarreling in the car on the way over, we wouldn’t expect them to continue the argument in front of us relative strangers over dinner. If they were worried about something we wouldn’t expect them to cry in front of us. If they felt high-spirited and mischievous, we wouldn’t expect them to start playfully tossing dinner rolls at each other – not with new acquaintances, not at a first meeting. There’s a certain standard of restrained, proper behavior. […]