Consists of ten elected Ruling Elders making decisions on behalf, and concerned about, the congregation; meets once a month on Tuesday. Visit our Events for more information.

Board of Deacons
Seven elected Deacons serving the church and community meeting needs with programs such as Valentine’s boxes to college and advanced degree students, and military personnel from our congregation; Ice Cream Social once a Sunday in August; school supplies to Paris Elementary schools, and much more. Visit our Events for more information.

Christian Education Committee
Plans the Christian Education program (Sunday School program for all ages, Bible Study, special events, Puppet Team, VBS, etc.) for the congregation; meets once a month on Monday. Visit our Events for more information.

Membership and Evangelism Committee
Plans outing-type events for our church and also outreach to the community; usually meets once a month Property Committee- takes care of our property grounds and inside the church building; meets when needed. Visit our Events for more information.

Property Committee
Plans and coordinates the physical property needs and appropriate actions for the church itself. Visit our Events for more information.

Stewardship Committee
Plans our year-round stewardship program (giving of treasure (our monetary offerings), time, and talents (our abilities) and the 3 week Fall Stewardship Campaign. We take seriously God’s mandate to us to be good stewards of all that God has created and blessed us with; meets once a month about seven months of the year; the Mission Task Force (see Ministries) is a subcommittee of this committee. Visit our Events for more information.

Worship Committee
Plans what we will do with our worship space, suggestions to the Co-Pastors for worship services and other special services, items needed for worship, etc.; meets once a month on Tuesday. Visit our Events for more information.