All-Church Christmas Program Every 4th Sunday in Advent (few days before Christmas, usually), singers, instrumentalists, storytellers, and a fun rendition of “On the Twelve Days of Christmas”. Visit our Events for more information.
All-Church Activities The Membership and Evangelism Committee plans 4 or 5 all-church fun and interesting activities for all ages (inter-generational) throughout the year. Visit our Events for more information
Ash Wednesday Service The first Wednesday in Lent (before the 1st Sunday in Lent) we gather to, often, have a soup supper, and then go to the sanctuary for a meaningful and enlightening service of music, scripture, prayer, healing prayer and communion. All are welcome to join us. Visit our Events for more information.
Bible Study Every week, we study scripture and topics together, enjoy our discussions with one another, and have snacks, tea and coffee. Visit our Events for more information.
Board of Parish Visitors meets almost every month on Thursday morning with one of the co-pastors. These good people visit our members and friends who can’t get out to come to worship or other events very well. They also send cards and make calls to members and friends of the congregation who need to be prayed for and remembered- hundreds a year.
Children’s Choir Ages 1st grade and up, meets once a week for 20 mins. Visit our Events for more information.
Christmas Eve Candle-lighting Service of Lessons and Carols at 11pm on, of course, Christmas Eve! It is an incredible experience hearing the story of Jesus’ birth again, singing hymns and hearing anthems about those events. When we light our individual candles, awe for our Lord hushes us in wonder as we sing Silent Night and then wait, briefly, in silence, appreciating the midnight, Christmas Day, moment. ALL are welcome to join us. Visit our Events for more information.
Palm Sunday weekend Program For families, often the Saturday before Palm Sunday in March/April. Visit our Events for more information.
Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service during Holy Week we prepare for Jesus’ death as we wait for his resurrection with contemplative and beautiful music, scripture readings, communion, and a gradual darkening of the sanctuary (tenebrae) in commemoration of God’s amazing grace.
Noon Lenten program at 12pm for a 1/2 hr worship service with emphasis on music and contemplation, followed by a light lunch. It runs every Wednesday after Ash Wednesday throughout Lent until Holy Week. ALL in the community are invited to attend these special services and times of fellowship at The Presbyterian Church, Paris. Visit our Events for more information.
Mission Task Force Plans mission projects and programs for the whole year for the Paris community (e.g. Faith in Action of Edgar County), our state (e.g. Kemmerer Village in Assumption, IL), our nation (e.g. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance), our world (e.g. Heifer International), to name only a few of the many mission projects the congregation supports with their mission pledges and special projects giving. This Task Force also plans programs such as fundraising dinners and concerts for missions/charities; meets often by email and also on Sundays after worship about 6 months out of the year. Visit our Events for more information.
Sonshine Puppet Ministry for ages third grade through older adult. This is truly an inter-generational ministry. We present a meaningful, often very joy-filled song during worship once-a-month and, on occasion, take a several song presentation out to other churches or community events both in Paris and elsewhere. Visit our Events for more information.
Sonshine Puppet Team’s Christmas Musical Takes place about the 2nd Sunday in December. ALL people are invited. We have had people come from 30 minutes away. It is a fun and entertaining, and meaningful way, to remember what the Season is all about. Visit our Events for more information.
Sanctuary Choir Ages 13 through adult; we have an incredible choir that sings each Sunday in worship and for special events such as Christmas Eve; practice is once a week on Wednesdays from at 7pm and lasts an hour. Visit our Events for more information.
Sunday School program for ages kindergarten through older adults. During worship, we have a nursery attendant. Our Junior Church program is for children Kindergarten through 5th grade where they have a brief worship service of their own, hear of and learn faith stories and concepts, sing, make art projects. Visit our Events for more information.
Sonbeam Puppet Ministry A puppet team, 3rd grade through adult (and we have all ages), who presents each month on a Sunday in worship, with Muppet-type puppets; presents a Christmas musical every December; also available to give programs outside the church; meets every week to practice for approx. 2 hours. We also train Kindergarten through 2nd grade children in the use of puppets so they may graduate to the “big” Sonshine Puppet Team in 3rd grade. Visit our Events for more information.
Spring Fling Annually, in May usually the Sunday after Mother’s Day, we celebrate Earth Day with a picnic outside after worship (some years about the care of God’s creation), and then clean up our grounds and plant flowers in our two gardens and several planters. It is a great time enjoyed by all members and the community when they drive by and see our colorful, cheerful flowers and grounds. Visit our Events for more information.
Vacation Bible School We work with three area Methodist churches for a great one week program each summer for children pre-school through those entering 6th grade; each church hosts on a rotation basis. Visit our Events for more information.