Jan-Feb. 2025 Profile
During the last month or two of the calendar year, we hear in church about Stewardship, with the encouragement to us all to be Good Stewards. We often think, at those times, of stewardship having to do with how much money we will give to the church – of pledges and offerings and budgets.
But there are many other forms of good stewardship too: How will we use our time wisely in the service of our church? How will we use the gifts and talents God has given us in the service of our church – musical gifts, leadership gifts, teaching and discussion gifts among them.
And another form of good stewardship is good stewardship of our church building. We try to practice good stewardship of our building in a couple of ways: One is to take good care of our building. We have had a long line of dedicated Property Committee Chairpersons and Members practicing this care; and church members who pitch in when needed; and custodians who have cared, who have been motivated by more than a paycheck in their diligence.
Another way to try to practice good stewardship of our building is to make sure our building is used. Many churches spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on establishing a building, and maintaining it, and paying for its utilities – only to see it used for only an hour or two on Sunday, standing vacant the rest of the week. We have been able to develop, over time, relationships with a variety of groups so that our building is used throughout the week, and can be of benefit to the community. Right now we have meeting in our building:
-Boy Scouts – Sundays at 4:00
-Cub Scouts – two groups, divided by age, Monday and Thursday early eves.
-TOPS Weight Loss – Tuesdays at 5:00
-Women’s Bible Study – Tuesdays at 9:30 A.M.
-Women’s Book Study – Tuesdays at 11 A.M
-Women’s Bible Study – Thursdays at 11 A.M
God gives us gifts like the gift of this beautiful building so that we can use them to serve our community, and we seem to be doing a fine job of offering our building to benefit our community right now. Let’s keep up the good work!
Sanctuary choir news
A New Year’s resolution for the choir? A motto for 2025? How about: “Keep on Keepin’ on!” Is it easy to get tired and discouraged? You bet – but we gotta “Keep on Keepin’ on!” Would I like to barricade the roads (and skies) to Florida and Pennsylvania? You bet I would – but we gotta “Keep on Keepin’ on!”
So how do we do it? One hymn, one anthem, one singer, and one listener at a time. So please give us your support as we “Keep on Keepin’ on” in this New Year.
We hope you were blessed by our Christmas music. We were grateful to Paul Lynch for singing with us on Christmas Eve and continuing our “O Holy Night” tradition.
Check out the words to #579 in our hymnal. I find them inspiring. In the meantime, join me as I “Keep on Keepin’ on!”
Happy January birthday!
3 Heidi McVicker
7 John Kreckman
10 Brian O’Bannon
11 Samantha (Turner) Elliott
12 Sara (Jewell) Mood
13 Alan Russell
14 Robert Sprague
Becher Blair
15 Michael Simmons
18 Elizabeth Sallee
21 Matt Jones
23 John Robson
27 Jeff Hodge
Happy January Anniversary!
16 Tom & Ginny Bradshaw
1 Eric Bradham
3 Layla Sisneros
6 Bruce Willis
7 Ginni Bradshaw
9 Melanie Spung
Sean Blair
16 Levi Ray
17 Chris Benefiel
18 Ruth Anthony
20 Cole Hodge
23 Lou Ballard
25 Maurice Johnson, Jr.
Happy February Anniversary!
11 Jim & Kay McCullouch
14 Kevin & Jeanette Levellie
(their 50th this year!)
The lovely poinsettias in our sanctuary were given
in Memory or Honor of:
- In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Ewart, Sue Ann Ewart Peters, Mr. Glen Brower; & Mrs. Arthur Benson, Annita Boerema, and Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Parkinson
from Jerry and Mabel Benson and family
- In Memory of Reva & Harry Benefiel, George, Glenna, Rick, & Jim Veith
from Steve and Debbie Benefiel
- In Memory of our parents, Jim & Dona Baumann and Jack & Ruth Etta Howrey
from Robert and Janet Howrey
- In Honor of the wonderful people of Paris Presbyterian Church
from Revs. Rodger Allen & Laurie Williams
- In Memory of Pam Piper-Griffiths, Bob Rhoads & all my loved ones
from Betty Piper
- In Honor of Rodger and Laurie, for their years of love, service, and faithfulness
to Paris Presbyterian and the community from Jeanette Levellie
- In Memory of Orris & Marjorie Kimball, Kenneth & Evelyn Griffin, and
Stephanie Kimball and Melany Waggoner from Alvin & Juanita Kimball
- In Memory of Elizabeth & Donald Feutz and Bettie & John R. Blair, Jr.
from Jane and Steve Blair
- In Memory of Wayne & Lois Jones and Hugh & Lois Cross from Larry Jones
and Carol Jones
- In Honor of Beth Ruff from Ruth Anthony
- In Memory of our parents Charles & Genevieve Willis and Bill & Gloria Hebermehl
from Tom and Joanna Hebermehl
- In Memory of Lloyd & Frances Lindsey, David Lindsey, Russell & Genevieve Gough from the Ken Gough Family
- In Honor of our children and grandchildren: Todd/Stephanie, Brae, & Ethan Bergdolt & Lisa & Mel McCollough
from Barbara & Terry Bergdolt
- In Memory of Marilyn McCorkle and Martha McGuire
from Brian & Charla McGuire
- In Memory of Kenneth and Rosemary Stephens from Mary Anna Ludington
- In Memory of Paul, Howard, Ruth & Donald Ruff and Janet Jebe
from Beth Ruff
As described in the December newsletter, Christmas is a season in the Christian calendar, not just a day, and runs until January 6. The season is followed by two special days on the Christian worship calendar:
Epiphany is January 6, and is usually observed in the church on the Sunday before, or closest to, the 6th. The word “epiphany” literally means a revelation, appearance, or showing—specifically, here, a revealing of who God is, a revealing that Jesus is God.
In the churches of Western Europe and the Americas, the event revealing Jesus as God that is usually considered is the coming of the Magi to see Jesus. The appearance of these special visitors, coming from a great distance, with their valuable gifts, following a sign in the heavens (Matthew 2:1-11), “showed” that this was a special child indeed.
In the Eastern Church, this day is also often set aside to look at the baptism of Jesus, which included a voice from the heavens and the Spirit of God looking like a dove (Matthew 3:14-17); and the turning of water into wine (John 2:1-11)—both of which “show” or “reveal” Jesus’ identity as God.
Baptism of the Lord Sunday is the Sunday following January 6. This event, described in all four gospels, not only reveals who Jesus is, but also begins his public ministry and reminds each of us of our own baptism and incorporation into the community of God, the Church. After this Sunday, we are back in “Ordinary Time” until we come to the season of Lent.
We Need Your Help with Per Capita: We encourage you to pay your per capita this year, in addition to your pledge. Per capita is the annual per member “dues” our church pays to the larger governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church—Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly—to allow their mission work to take place.
Thanks to several steps our Presbytery of Southeast Illinois has taken to reduce its expenses, the per capita amount for 2025 stays at $40, which is down from the $42 prior to 2022.
If you are willing and able, please help out our church budget by paying your per capita. You may write a check to “The Presbyterian Church” and indicate ‘per capita’ on the memo line. There is a blue envelope in the offering boxes for this purpose, and additional blue envelopes are available on the table by the Koinonia Kafe. Thank you.
On February 9th, before/during/after worship, we will invite you to help out the Edgar County Food Pantry by giving to our special offering “Souper Bowl of Caring.” All donations will go to the Food Pantry. Pick the Super Bowl football team you think will win, or want to win, and put your donation into the soup pot with that team’s name on it. If you won’t be here on the 9th, make your check payable to “The Presbyterian Church” and in the memo line put “Souper Bowl of Caring.”
“Dear Members of Paris Presbyterian Church,
Your recent monetary donations to Paris’ ‘Helping Hands Soup Kitchen’ is allowing for the seeding of a ministry that now feeds approximately 75-100+ individuals a day (Monday – Friday).
More importantly, your gift is ‘transforming’ our small town. At our tables, on any given day, people from all walks of life (rich and poor. . . old and young) are sharing in conversation, laughter. . . and of course, food! Helping Hands Soup Kitchen is reflective of our “community at its finest.” It is an experience where all divisiveness is set aside and a shared sense of our humanity is celebrated.
As a show of our appreciation, we extend an invitation to you to join us for lunch and experience firsthand the ‘harvest’ wrought by your generosity. Our hours of operation are
Monday through Friday 11 – 12:30.
Helping Hands Soup Kitchen
PO Box 103, Paris, IL 61944
We were contacted in December by former church member Emily Gibson Soelter, who still treasured a Christmas tree ornament with our church picture on it, which she had received in the year 2000. Unfortunately it broke this year. Here are excerpts from her thank you card, after we were able to send her a replacement:
“Thank you so much for ‘walking the extra mile’ to find the church’s 2000 Christmas ornament. I appreciate it so much!
“I am enclosing a check to cover the postage to mail the box, plus a donation to the church in celebration of your 200th anniversary of sharing God’s love in the Paris Community.
“The love, support, and sense of community I experienced growing up in the Paris Presbyterian Church were the basis for the faith I hold today. LOVE is always what I experienced in word and deed there. My best friends attended there. My parents’ best friends were there – thus I had many extra sets of parents who surrounded me with their love and their faith. From Bible School, the “Cradle Roll” nursery, youth group, choir, youth mission trips to St. Louis, barn square dances at the Lindsey’s farm. . . my life was filled with the foundational goodness of people who loved God and each other.
Blessings to all of you, Emily Gibson Soelter”
“Dear Partner in God’s Ministry,
On behalf of Ministry Engagement and Support, please allow me to express our appreciation to you for your gracious and faithful support this Fall. We give thanks because of your sharing in the gospel.
Lauren N. Rogers
Ministry Engagement Advisor
Office of Ministry Engagement
and Support
Presbyterian Church (USA)”
December 2024 Newsletter
Blessings and warm wishes for your
health and wholeness this holiday and always
—Revs. Rodger and Laurie
December 8 Worship: The second Sunday in the season of Advent, including the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
The season of Advent, when we prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus, runs from December 1 to December 24 this year. We have a variety of Advent daily devotional booklets displayed on the table in the hallway, and invite you to take your pick! There is also an online daily devotional, at pts.edu/devotional.
2024 Christmas Joy Offering
It has been the Presbyterian tradition to give a special offering during the Advent season for over 70 years. This offering is one of the four special offerings designated by the General Assembly of the PC (USA) to provide congregations direct ways of supporting specific causes that help those in need. Those who are helped by the offering:
1) Retired pastors and church workers and surviving spouses through the Board of Pensions receive 50% of this offering. The Board recognizes that some church workers don’t make enough to save adequately for retirement. By offering them income supplements, they can live modestly and independently.
2) The PC (USA) has long promoted education through establishing and supporting racial/ethnic colleges and schools. They receive the other 50% of this offering. The Christmas Joy Offering provides much needed scholarships to racial/ethnic colleges including schools like Cook College and Theological School in Tempe, AZ and Knoxville College in Knoxville, TN.
You can give by using the envelopes provided in the Sunday bulletins December 15 and 22, or the envelopes on the big table in the hallway, or by marking any envelope “Christmas Joy Offering.” Please make out your check to Paris Presbyterian Church, and write “Joy Offering” on the memo line.
The Christian calendar
December brings two of the most well-known and treasured seasons of the Christian worship year:
ADVENT begins on December 1 and runs until December 24. In this season before Christmas, we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ anew into our lives.
Favorite Scripture texts include Isaiah 7:14: “Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel, God is with us;” and John the Baptist’s words in Luke 3: “Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight.”
We remind ourselves that “getting ready for Christmas” doesn’t mean only shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking and sending cards; but also examining our hearts and lives to make sure we are prepared to greet the Lord when he arrives. In worship the main feature of this season is the lighting of an Advent Wreath.
CHRISTMAS is also a season, not just a day, in the worship calendar, running from December 25 until January 6.
Now we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child and the beginning of God’s saving activity in Jesus of Nazareth.
The Bible stories we concentrate on are Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 2:1-12, and John 1:14: “The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.” Or as one of the favorite carols puts it, “Christ was born to save!”
Once again we will have our church doors and a Christmas message of hope at the: Holiday in the park (Twin Lakes Park) yearly light festival. Don’t miss out on warming your heart for the holidays. Each year more and more lights are added.
December 24 at 11 P.M.
Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols service is so meaningful. It features wonderful special music and the telling of the Christmas Story through a series of lessons read from the Bible, as well as a candle lighting ceremony sung to “Silent Night.” What a way to bring in Christmas Day as we finish at midnight If you are willing to take a reading, please tell Rev. Rodger. All ages are welcome to read.
Please remember, as you send your Christmas cards this year, members and friends of the Paris Presbyterian Church who are at least temporarily unable to join us for worship:.
Bob and Alice Sprague
Horizon Health, Room 124
721 E. Court St. Paris
Mary Anna Ludington
520 E. Madison, Paris
Jeff Hodge
Twin Lakes Rehab, Room #3
310 S. Eads, Paris
Deacons Fundraiser Deadline: December 15
______I/We will give $ ________ to the Deacon’s Fund with the understanding
that the poinsettia will be delivered to a special person.
______I/We will give $ ________ to the Deacon’s Fund and would like to take a poinsettia to a special person following the Christmas service.
The poinsettias cost $15.00 each; any gift above that goes to the work of the Deacons.
If your gift is a memorial or in honor of a loved one, please list the person(s) below for inclusion in the Christmas bulletin.
Memorial/In Honor:
Signed: ____________________________________
1 Charles Ruff
2 Ryan Clawson
3 Jane Asher
4 Debbie Benefiel
5 Serena (Hoff) Rush
Jillian Hebermehl
14 Caitlin Blair
Zane Blair
17 Isaac McVicker
18 Christie Russell
21 Morgan Jipp
22 Jane Blair
Brad Boland
Kathryn Franklin
24 Ken Gough
26 Carol Collier
27 Kathy Smilie
Fred Kreckman
29 Michael Hebermehl
24 Alvin & Juanita Kimball
27 Robert & Jani Howrey
As mentioned elsewhere in the Profile, the BIG Community Advent service is this Sunday, December 8, at 3 PM in our sanctuary. This service has been in Paris since 1978!! Numbers are up this year – good news! – even though that creates the problem of fitting everyone into the choir loft. Come and listen to the sounds of the season!
In contrast to the Advent Choir, lower numbers have been a problem in our Sanctuary Choir. If by some miracle everyone is present, we have ten singers in our group. On recent Sundays, however, we have had just four or five. But – the show must go on, as they say, and we continue to provide anthems for our worship which we hope bless those who hear them.
December will fly by, as the other months have; already we are down to only two or three rehearsals before Christmas. Check with the office or in the bulletin for details if we decide to schedule caroling – possibly December 22 early afternoon.
The days are hectic and stressful. But it’s a beautiful season with beautiful music. Please make every effort to attend worship, and catch and share the true spirit of the season.
Jesus is the original Christmas gift. Everything we give is because god first gave himself to us.
“For God so loved the world that He GAVE His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not die, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Business at the November meeting of the church Session included:
- Session took its official vote in favor of hosting the Boy Scouts downstairs for their weekly meetings from late Fall to Spring (they meet outside the other months). Later that month, we
received and approved, a request to host the recently-reconstituted Cub Scout troop as well.
- The October Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Income continues to run ahead of a year ago at this time.
- Work is beginning on the 2025 Budget.
- The meeting began, as always, with opening devotions, and closed with a time of prayer.
- The next Session meeting will be Tuesday, January 14 at 5:00.
Announcements Week of June 2, 2024
Starting this Thursday, June 6 from 11 a.m. to Noon in the Koinonia Kafe, Jeanette Levellie will be teaching an eight week class on her bestselling book, Hello, Beautiful: Finally Love Yourself Just as You Are, an interactive devotional for women. For more information, please contact Jeanette at 217-465-5118 or jeanettelevellie@gmail.com
Reminder to Session: Our next meeting will take place Tuesday June 11, from 5:00 to 6:00.
June 16 worship: We will expand the “Father’s Day” holiday a little, and also celebrate “Men of the Church Day,” expressing our appreciation for all the gifts that men bring to the church.
The Vermilion and Otterbein Methodist Churches ask for your prayers as they again send a group to Red Bird Mission, which provides assistance to low income people in the Appalachian Mountain region around Beverly, KY. They will be there June 23 to 28, and ask for prayers for safe travel, and that they could be a blessing through their work there.
The Methodist/Presbyterian Cooperative Vacation Bible School will take place the evenings of July 7 to 11, at First Methodist Church this year. “Presbyterian Night” to provide the 5:30 dinner and the Bible lesson will be Tuesday July 9, with our church and New Providence working together. Please let your young friends (age 3 through finishing 5th grade) know about VBS; and please let Rodger know if you can help serve the dinner or teach the lesson.
Please remember your opportunity to serve as liturgist on a Sunday of your choice. The sign-up sheet is on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Since we have remote hand-held microphones, you can be liturgist from your seat in the pew (or anywhere else in the room!).
The 200th birthday of Paris Presbyterian Church is November 6, 2024! Since we are a Presbyterian Church, we are, of course, forming a committee to plan the celebration. If you would like to serve on the committee to contribute your good ideas, please let the church office or Rodger know.