

December 2019

“People of Advent: Mary”/Luke 1:26-38, 46-55 (Isaiah 35: 1-10)/Rev. Rodger Allen/12-15-19

By |December 17th, 2019|Advent-Christmas, Sermons|

            This season of Advent, we have been pointing out, is a season of preparation for Christians. And not just preparing in the sense of decorating the house, and baking the cookies, and shopping for the presents for Christmas; but also the preparing of our selves, a look inside, a time for reflection and any needed repentance. How do we do that kind of preparation? Where do we look to find out how to prepare? Well, perhaps some guidance is available from some of the people who prepared themselves for the first coming of Jesus, so long ago. Perhaps they can in some ways serve as a model or example for us, as we seek to do our preparation now. […]

December 2017

Pictures of Mary 12-17-17 Luke 1: 26-38 Luke 1:46-55 Rev. Rodger Allen

By |December 18th, 2017|Sermons|

Young Mary        Brave Mary          Obedient Mary           Praying Mary           Justice-minded Mary              A central figure in our stories leading up to Christmas is Jesus’ mother Mary. We read the announcement, by the angel, to her, of his coming birth, just about every Advent season, since this is the season of anticipating that birth. Today we are going to look at some pictures of Mary, some snapshots, some characteristics, to understand a little better who she is, and to see what qualities she has that we might like to aspire to, as we prepare for the birthday this year. In what ways might she be our model? […]