“God, Why Do You Let Bad Things Happen?”/Habakkuk. 1:1-3, 13; 2:1-4; 3:17-19 II Timothy 3:13-4:2/Rev. Rodger Allen/9-8-19

By |September 11th, 2019|Sermons|

Assyria was the Darth Vader of the Middle East.           In the 7th century BC, which is the 600’s, Assyria stomped all over the Middle East, including Israel, breathing heavily, dressed in black, committing acts of cruelty and violence. Its theory of government was that one rules by fear, by terrorizing the people, by threatening cruel punishment if you are caught doing wrong; and maybe even if you aren’t, just to keep you humble and frightened. Assyria was one of the cruelest empires the world had seen to that point – a strong efficient war machine, and a crushing tyrant of a ruler. […]