
May 2019

“Some Good Old Reformed Theology”/I John 3:1-7 (John 21: 1-14)/Rev. Rodger Allen/5-5-19

By |May 8th, 2019|Sermons|

A common theme  for worship services on the Sundays after Easter is . . . well, now what? Where do we go from here? We’ve told our best story; we’ve celebrated our biggest event; we’ve talked about what it means. Now we turn around and look ahead and think about proceeding with everyday life as Christians and as churches, now that the big events are over. Where do we go from here, in light of the Easter message? Who are we, as a post-resurrection community? What do these events lead us to believe, and what do we do about it, now that we’ve seen again what God has done? […]

September 2018

Sunday School classes for all ages resume Sunday, Sept. 16 at 9:30 a.m.

By |September 4th, 2018|Announcements|

Our Children, Youth, and Adult Sunday School classes will resume  after their summer break, at 9:30 A.M. Sunday Sept. 16. Please join us for a wonderful spiritual growth experience!

November 2017

Homecoming 10-29-17 Deut. 1:3, 5:32-6:9, 6:13 Josh. 24: 1, 14-18 Rev. Rodger Allen

By |November 8th, 2017|Sermons|

             On the Sundays we have read from the Old Testament, in the last few weeks, those passages have been from the Exodus story, which began with the Hebrew people in slavery in Egypt, in approximately the year 1250 BC. We heard about God’s call to Moses, through a burning bush, to lead the people out of slavery; of “God the Provider,” of food and water and safety and protection, on that journey. We heard God give the people the Ten Commandments and the other laws which would guide how they lived, at one of their stops on their journey across the wilderness. And now . . . well we don’t want to just leave the Hebrew people sitting out there in the desert, do we? For one thing, being there isn’t the end of the story, isn’t their fate—and we need to remind ourselves just how the story did end, and how God kept the promises made to them. […]

August 2017

Puppet Ministry turns 15!

By |August 22nd, 2017|Announcements|

Sunday, August 20 we celebrated our puppet ministry turning 15! We enjoyed several rousing songs from a team of  25 puppeteers, propateers, and helpers, honored our director Barbara Bergdolt, and even shared in a yummy birthday cake. Happy 15th, Sonshine and Sonbeam Puppet teams! Thank you, Barbara and everyone who makes this ministry happen. Save

April 2017

“Events of Jesus’ Life 14 Beginning In-Between End” 4/9/17 Scripture: Mark 11:1-21/Rev. Laurie Williams

By |April 10th, 2017|Sermons|

          As you know by now, today is Palm Sunday.  This is the day we celebrate Jesus’ joyous welcome on the road to Jerusalem around the time of the Passover Feast when many pilgrims would have been coming to Jerusalem.  As you know, Palm Sunday is always the Sunday before Easter.  The use of the [...]