“A Steady Light Shining in the Dark”/12/2/18/Scripture: John 1:1-10; Luke 2:25-32/by Rev. Laurie Williams
I can’t tell you how many people I hear every week talk about how awful and dark the world is now. Focusing on that too much is not good for one’s mental health. The world has always been a dark place. Nature can be cruel. Accidents happen. Loved ones become ill. Human beings sin. That is our reality with the cycle of life and death. Still, hope is so important to hold onto as a Christian people, as is bringing that hope to as many others as we can. Yet, the fact of the matter is that we do hear much bad news, sometimes daily. We may feel bombarded by it. With technology the way it is, at times we know of something minutes after it happens anywhere in the world. We definitely can feel weighed down by it all. […]