

September 2024

Sept-Oct. 2024 Newsletter

By |September 10th, 2024|Newsletters|

  “The Great Jungle Journey” Our July/August newsletter described what the theme of our cooperative Vacation Bible School in July was going to be, and what the lesson the Presbyterians would teach was going to be about. Now we can tell you how it went and share a few photos: 47 children enjoyed games, crafts, [...]

November 2023

Announcements, week of 11-19-23

By |November 16th, 2023|Church News|

The “Exploring our Faith” discussion group meets on Mondays from 5:15 to 6:30. Each session is “stand alone,” rather than continued from last week, so please feel free to drop in any time, or just occasionally; you wouldn’t feel like you were “behind” or jumping into the middle of something. For the Nov. 20 session, [...]

March 2023

March-April 2023 Newsletter

By |March 23rd, 2023|Church News|

LENT AND HOLY WEEK  Our Lent and Holy Week worship services and activities fall between February 22 and April 9 this year, so this “cover page” may be a helpful place to have them all spelled out together. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22 – The season of Lent begins with “Ash Wednesday” on Feb. 22. We [...]

April 2020

“Jesus in Jerusalem: 2. Wednesday to Saturday”/Mark 14; 1-11; Mark 14: 12-62, selected verses; Mark 15: 1-46, selected verses/4.5.2020/Rev. Rodger Allen

By |April 18th, 2020|Sermons|

In the last message, we began a day-to-day look at the events of Holy Week, the week that goes from Palm Sunday to Easter – the final week of Jesus’ life. We considered the events of Sunday the Day of Procession, when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, to the shouts of “Hosanna!” from the people; the events of Monday, the Day of Cleansing, when he cleared the Temple of those who were using God’s house for greed and exploitation instead of worship; and the events of Tuesday, the Day of Teaching, when Jesus taught through parable, debate, example, prophecy, and Law. These are events that all the gospel writers made sure to report on, in some detail; they considered them to be important. These are the things that Jesus chose to do with his last few days, knowing his life was about to end; he must have considered them to be very important. […]

March 2020

“Lent: Preparing for Holy Week”/Luke 9: 51-62; Isaiah 58: 3, 6-10/Rev. Rodger Allen/3.8.2020

By |March 10th, 2020|Sermons|

One might think that the best time for me to present an Introduction to the Season of Lent would be on the first Sunday in Lent, which was last Sunday. But last Sunday’s service included both of our sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper – only the second time I can remember that happening in my nearly sixteen years here. So I couldn’t resist presenting a discussion of sacraments then, and saving Lent’s introduction for today. […]