Jesus on Conflict Management/ 8-20-17/ Matthew 18: 15-17, 21-22; John 15: 1-5; Galatians 5:22-23/ Rev. Rodger Allen

By |August 22nd, 2017|Sermons|

  “The Lectionary,” as many of you have heard before, is a suggested schedule of Bible readings for Sunday worship services, designed to lead us to all of the most important passages of the Bible over a three-year period. Lately the Gospel part of the Lectionary has been walking us through the Gospel of Matthew. So lately we have heard: the sower and seeds parable from the beginning of Matthew 12, the wheat and weeds parable from later in Matthew 12, Peter’s statement of faith “You are the Messiah” in Matthew 16, and so on. And that’s why we are about to hear our next passage, from Matthew 18. It’s not because there is some kind of conflict in the congregation, or because I heard that two of you are quarreling, or there’s a big controversy in the Presbytery or denomination. No, it’s just that it is this passage’s “turn” now. So that being understood: “Jesus said…” (Matthew 18: 15-17, 21-22). […]