Pastor:  Rev. Rodger Allen                                                                The Presbyterian Church of Paris

Music Director:  Susan Farris                                                         241 W. Court St. Paris, IL 61944

Administrative Assistant: Jeanette Levellie                  217-465-5118; fax: 217-463-1471

Custodian:  Dale Thomas                                         


The five-church cooperative Vacation Bible School in which we participate took place the evenings of July 16 to 20, at Otterbein Methodist Church this year. The theme was “Twists and Turns – Following Jesus Changes the Game,” and the decorations, songs, etc. were related to famous board games like checkers, tic-tac-toe, and Twister. The lesson “the Presbyterians” presented was about the relationship between Peter and Jesus, from Peter’s faith allowing him to walk on water to his unfaithful denial of Jesus, and his later forgiveness and restoration as a disciple, to become a leader in the Christian Church

   Thank you to all who helped with “Presbyterian night” (dinner and lesson). 32 children enjoyed games, songs, crafts, skits, and lessons. They also raised $271 for the Paris schools’ weekend, “Food for Kids” program. Paris Presbyterian volunteers included Kathy S., Larry J., Beth R., Beth’s granddaughter, Kaylee, and Rev. Rodger. New Providence volunteers included Pastor Vallerie, Aaron G., Doris L., and Rita G. –Rodger

Sanctuary Choir News:

        It happens every year! The summer months fly by so quickly; and now it’s time to prepare for a “new beginning” – a new season.

        Hopefully you heard and enjoyed our special music performances in July and August: Barbara Dick, Barbara Bergdolt, Kacey Newhart, the Paris Brass, Chandler Dorjahn, Betty Brinkerhoff, and Susan Farris. September 3 brings us a duet from Jeanette Levellie and Susan Farris; on September 10 we will hear from a ladies trio of Laurie Williams, Jane Blair, and Susan Farris. We are so thankful to all those willing to share their talent.

        The Sanctuary Choir will return to the choir loft on October 1. Please be in church that day to welcome them. Rehearsals will take place on Wednesday s at 4 P.M. as they did last year, although flexibility and change are the names of the game these days, so stay tuned!

        Our worship music is important – it helps us connect with God. We need everyone’s participation, whether you’re in the choir loft or the pew. Check out the title of #76 in our hymnal: “We Are Singing, for the Lord is Our Light.” Amen




2     Kay LeMosy

3     Todd Bergdolt

4     Lisa McCollough

10    Al Kimball

11    Peter Spung

21    Garrett Jones

30    Mary (“Mike”) Craun



 9    David & Becky Hoff ©©

12    Rick & Judy Phillips  ©©      

14    Alicia (Howrey) & Alan Planincic ©©



2 Marisa Hoff                 

4 John O’Bannon        

5 Jim Farris            

6 Terry Bergdolt

7 Laurie Williams 

9 Kailee Gough

   Judy Phillips

17 Sally Acklin

24 Jerry Benson

Carolyn Brown Hodge




10    Marty & Deb Jipp       ©©  

26    Chris & Sheryl Clark  ©©    

31    Fred & Lanee Pfeiffer  ©©



   Our annual October special offering is one of the four nationwide Presbyterian Church USA offerings; PCUSA describes it this way:

     “Our work of peace and reconciliation is supported by gifts to the Peace and Global Witness Offering. These gifts also unite us with Presbyterian peacemakers across the country and the world who are active, not passive; who are doing, not waiting.

    25% of this Offering stays with individual congregations to support local peacemaking and reconciliation efforts and ministries.

   25% of the Offering will go to mid councils to join congregations in support of peacemaking throughout presbyteries and synods.

   50% of this Offering supports the work for peace and reconciliation being done by Presbyterians across the globe.

We are the peacemakers. We are the Church. Together.

When we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.

     The Peace and Global Offering enables the church to promote the peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice in our own communities and around the world. Together we are building God’s household of peace where everyone is welcome; where all can find compassion, peace and justice.”

    We will begin collecting the offering on October 1, and will let you know which local organization “our” 25% will go to.


The women’s Bible Study Fellowship will resume their Thursday morning meetings here in the Koinonia Kafe on Sept. 14 at 11:00 a.m. All women are invited to attend.



         Our church has been blessed with two scholarship funds for college students who are members of this church: the Mary Ann Sprouls/Cynthia Ann Idleman Scholarship Fund and the Peg Hall Scholarship. Recipients are chosen from those who apply by the Stewardship Committee and Session. If you are interested in applying, please contact the church office or Rev. Rodger.


Help Clothe Your Neighbors

      October will be “Presbyterian month” to provide volunteers for the Compassionate Clothing Closet, on Mondays and Tuesdays. We will take care of October 2-3 and 16-17, and New Providence will take the other two seeks. A sign-up sheet is on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Please check your calendars to see when you might take a turn.


   Our annual outdoor (weather permitting) worship service with the New Providence congregation, at New Providence, will take place at 10:00 A.M.  on September 17. Details for the lunch afterward are still being formulated.



      We will join Christians in churches of many denominations all around the world in the celebration of “World Communion Sunday,” in which “the faithful of all races and nations gather to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In this holy place, the many are made one, united with Christ and with the church in every place.”


Homemade Ice Cream!

      The Deacons will provide an Ice Cream Social Fellowship Time immediately following the worship service September 10.



    Our Administrative Assistant

Jeanette Levellie  went on a mission trip to Uganda in August to visit two mission schools. She did a presentation for us during the worship service September 3, including slides of some of her experiences there, and showing us artifacts from Uganda. If you would like to hear more about her trip, give her a call at the office!


    Several security measures have been put in place recently, to make our building more secure. Another one is coming in September: We will begin locking some of the doors to the church right before our 10:30 worship service. The ones which will remain unlocked are the red doors facing Court Street, and the ramp door leading into the sanctuary.


        September 10 is “Pray for Faith in Action Sunday,” and they ask for your prayers for their volunteers and for those who are receiving care. There will also be an Open House in honor of FIA’s 20th birthday on Friday Sept. 15 from Noon to 2 at their office at 239 West Wood Street. All are invited!


         We Need Your Help with Per Capita:  We encourage you to pay your per capita this year, in addition to your pledge. Per capita is the annual per member “dues” our church pays to the larger governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church – Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly – to allow their mission work to take place.


      Thanks to several steps our Presbytery of Southeast Illinois has taken to reduce its expenses, the per capita amount for 2023 stays at $40, which is down from the $42 prior to 2022.  If you are willing and able, please help out our church budget by paying your per capita. You may write a check to “The Presbyterian Church” and indicate ‘per capita’ on the memo line. Special blue “per capita” envelopes are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary, or you may use any envelope marked “per capita.” Thank you.


         For many years we’ve had the tradition of recruiters finding liturgists for worship services. We thank all of those who’ve diligently recruited over the years. We are now moving to a volunteer method. If you would like to serve as a liturgist  this year, please sign up at the sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary.        




  • Following our tradition of many years, Session’s “summer break” was to not meet in July. We did meet August 15, including the following items:
  • Session voted to send $7000 to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s Hawaii Wildfires fund. That donation will come from Mission Task Force money, and the Wayne and Lois Jones Youth Assistance Fund. If any individual church members would like to add to that total, please make a check out to this church and write “Hawaii” or “PDA” in the memo line
  • Approval of the worship/activities schedule discussed in other parts of this newsletter: Sept. 3 Jeanette Levellie mission trip presentation; Sept. 10 Ice Cream Fellowship Time; Sept. 17 10:00 worship at New Providence; Sept. 24 guest worship leader Mike Dixon; Oct. 1 World Communion Sunday
  • Review of June and July financial reports
  • Setting the next meeting for Tuesday, September 12 from 5:00 to 6:00


Our Mission Statement:

“We are a welcoming congregation of dedicated believers who glorify and serve God through meaningful worship, caring for the needs of our congregation, reaching out as good stewards to others in need both locally and worldwide, and promoting Christian Education and spiritual development for all ages. We seek God’s purpose and guidance in our lives through the Holy Spirit and in service to Christ Jesus.”