to our high school seniors graduating from

Paris High School!




We also congratulate two members who are graduating from college this Spring,

and invite you to send your congratulations to them:


Brittany Scott

1712 S. Ten Broeck, Paris

(from Southern Illinois University)


Morgan Jipp

Oregon State University

1665 McNary Complex

Corvallis, OR. 97331-1407

 Pentecost Offering:  One of the four annual offerings of the Presbyterian Church USA. This offering is divided between programs which help children and youth at risk (poverty, schools, medical concerns) and programs which provide Christian education to children and youth (church camps, regional youth gatherings). Each congregation is to retain 40% of its offering, to go to a local program or project. This year our 40% will go to “Hopes and Dreams,” which provides services and assistance to homeless youth, and is working on establishing a shelter. Our main collection date is Pentecost Sunday May 23, but you may give any time.


      Planning is underway for the cooperative Paris Methodist and Presbyterian Churches Vacation Bible School. Dates have been set, for the evenings of July 11 through 15, and the location this year will be Otterbein Methodist Church. Please let your young friends know – age 3 through entering 6th grade. And we will be looking for volunteers to help with VBS. “Our night” to provide the dinner and lesson will be Monday, July 12. Other opportunities include:

  • Helping with music or crafts or games any or all of the evenings,
  • Helping serve dinner on any of the evenings,
  • Accompanying one of the age groups through all their activities, any or all of the evenings.

     Please speak with Beth Ruff or Rodger Allen if you would like more information. The next planning meeting will be at 5:30 Tuesday, May 18, at the Otterbein Church.

May 23: Pentecost Worship – the story of the Holy Spirit coming to the first disciples; “the birthday of the Christian Church.” Many worshippers, as part of their celebration, will wear red to church, symbolizing the “tongues of fire” mentioned in Acts 2:3. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.


May                  16     Sara McCrocklin                

                          17      Adam Clawson

                          19      Sam Roberts

                          22      Jenni McRay

    An invitation from EMMA SCOTT for her High School graduation (Friday, May 21, 7 p.m.) is on the bulletin board in the Assembly Room. She also invited all of us to share her joy at a party given in her honor:

Saturday, May 22

2-4 p.m.

408 S. Central, Paris

RSVP: 217-251-7946

Please park in the South West corner of the Tiger Apartments parking lot.

In the coming week, please pray for:

  • Our church,
  • Yourself,
  • Laurie,
  • Rodger,
  • Alice Sprague,
  • Our nation and her leaders,
  • Kenisha Davis,
  • Virginia Collier,
  • Camille Foley,
  • Laurie’s nephew, Brandon,
  • John O’Bannon,
  • Teachers & Students,
  • Carmen Minge (recovery from hip surgery),
  • Jeanette’s mom, Doris (broken pelvis),
  • Cathy (fall) & Richard (dementia) Melendez,
  • Levi Chisholm: brain injury due to accident,
  • Healthcare workers and their families,
  • An end to the Coronavirus & healing for those affected