“July 2023”
- Vacation Bible School: The five-church cooperative VBS in which we participate, with New Providence Presbyterian and First, Otterbein, and Vermilion Methodist Churches, will take place the evenings of July 16 to 20: 5:30 dinner, 6:00- 8:00 VBS, age 3 through entering 6th grade. The location this year is Otterbein Methodist Church, 406 W. Washington St. The theme is “Twists and Turns – Following Jesus Changes the Game,” and the decorations, songs, etc. are related to famous board games like checkers, tic-tac-toe, and Twister. “The Presbyterians” will be in charge of the dinner and lesson Tuesday evening July 18. Our lesson is about the relationship between Peter and Jesus, from Peter’s faith allowing him to walk on water to his unfaithful denial of Jesus, and his later forgiveness and restoration as a disciple, to become a leader in the early Christian Church. A couple ways you can help:
- Invite all the children you know – grandchildren, neighbors, total strangers . . .
(2) For our night to provide dinner we could use volunteers to help serve. We’re doing our popular pizza meal again, so no food preparation would be required. Please notify the church office if you can pitch in.
- So that derecho thing happened Thursday June 29! Power was out at the church only until Friday afternoon June 30; I know some homes were affected much longer. And though we had many branches down on the ground, there was no damage to the building. Thank you to Dale, Marti, and Tom for checking on the building and clearing the grounds.
- From Administrative Assistant Jeanette Levellie, who is headed on a mission trip to Uganda at the end of July:
“Dear Paris Presbyterian Family- Sending a hug and a smile from
your biggest fan. Thank you for the Very Generous offering for my
trip to Uganda! I am overwhelmed by your love and God’s
Goodness! With gratitude, Jeanette”
- Finally to our City Band Fans: Thank you for your support.
The remaining concert schedule is:
- No concert Sunday July 16
- Sunday July 23: different time – 2:00!
The choir concluded their season on July 2, singing the appropriate “Heal Our Land,” which included a verse of “America the Beautiful.” The choir will now enjoy a well-deserved rest until they return to the choir loft on Oct. 1.
In the meantime, we will continue to have special music for our services, provided either by a guest soloist or by your friendly neighborhood organist/pianist!
Come each week and be blessed,
July Birthdays
4 Kinsley Gough
8 David Hoff
Kenneth Ludington
11 Sarah Penczek
14 Elizabeth Gough
20 Rick Phillips
31 Misty Smith
July Anniversaries
14 Phil & Karen Scott
20 Rodger Allen/Laurie Williams
22 Jeff & Carolyn Hodge
25 Larry & Carol Jones
A recent article from an organization called Ministry Watch passed on news from a Spring 2023 poll which said that the number of Americans who regularly attend worship continues to decline, but that 89% who do attend say they are proud to be associated with their church, and 82% are optimistic about the future of their congregation (article available from Rev. Rodger).
. . . to Sidney Jipp and Alex Paulson, who were married June 25! (Rev. Rodger had the honor of conducting the ceremony)
Our “Church Family of the Week” program gives us a chance to lift up a different family (group or individual) of our congregation each week, include them in our daily prayer for our families and friends, and to send cards or greetings or in some other way to let them know we
are glad they are part of our church family. The “Church Family of the Week” is listed in our Sunday bulletins. If you missed one or more of those recent announcements, I’ll bet those families wouldn’t mind if you prayed for them this week. Those recently listed are:
Dale Thomas and Marti Sturmer
(our custodial team and frequent worshipers here)
311 W. Wood St., Apt. 4D, Paris
Janet Galbreath
Brookstone Estates, Apt. 3
146 Brookstone Ln., Paris
Mary Anna Ludington
520 E. Madison, Paris
August Birthdays
3 Meredith Penczek
6 Jim McColloch
10 Robert Howrey
12 Karen Scott
Autumn Lewis
13 Mike McCrocklin
14 Clark Piper
Jeanette Levellie
15 Mindy Lolie
16 Emma Scott
17 Kay McCulloch
21 Melfina McCollough
22 Lanee Pfeiffer
23 Gwyneth Blair
Logan Blair
24 Dodie Turner
25 Seth Gough
27 Alice Sprague
31 Tom Hebermehl
August Anniversaries
8 Kevin & Amber Farris
10 Karol Farris & Chris Schilling
26 Gaye & Dodie Turner
31 Jim & Susan Farris
- The card’s cover (on the bulletin board) was “Bless You.” The message inside: “I have not stopped giving thanks to God for you (Ephesians 1:16). The Lord works wonders through wonderful people like you. Thank you for helping me continue my education – Emma Scott”
“We appreciate your donation and thank you for making a difference in the lives of teens in our community. We could not do this without your support!
Respectfully, The Board of Hopes & Dreams, Inc.
“Rebuilding Lives Believing in the Future One Child at a Time”
Excerpts from the latest newsletter from the Seitz family, in Taiwan, appeared in the May/June edition of the “Profile.” A letter from “our” other family whom we support financially was received this month. We cannot publicize their names, due to the sensitive nature and location of their work. They too have visited us a couple times when in the U.S. If you would like to see their letter, Rev. Rodger can show it to you. Short version: They are all doing well, and still very busy.
Every Sunday:
10:30 Worship
July 16-20 evenings:
Vacation Bible School
August 6: 10: 30 A.M. Worship includes the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
August 15: 5-6 P.M. Session Meeting
August 26: 10 A.M
Presbytery Meeting, by Zoom/Phone, including a visit from current Co-Moderator of the PCUSA General Assembly, Rev. Ruth Santana Grace.
The Presbyterian Church USA statistics as of January 1, 2023 were released recently. There are 8,705 PCUSA congregations in the country, containing over 1.1 million active adult members (plus children and attending “friends of the church”).
Following Trinity Sunday June 4, we entered a period of “Ordinary Time” with no special church holidays or seasons until we reach World Communion Sunday on October 1.
Items of business at the May and June meetings of Session included:
- Approval of a request for an adult baptism/new membership
- Approval of a proposal from the Property Committee regarding church security, in light of our February break-in. Proposal includes changing of locks and installing two surveillance cameras
- Approval of two special mission donations, to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for the Syria/Turkey earthquake, and to support a staff member on her mission trip
- As always, opening devotions and closing prayer time
- The decision to follow our usual schedule of not meeting in July. Next meeting is set for August 15
There is still one opening on Session. It can be for a one, two, or three year term. If you can fill that for us, please contact Steve Benefiel, Carolyn Brown Hodge, or Rodger Allen.