We may have some unhappy football fans: Out of the nearly $300 collected for the Edgar County Food Pantry (so far) at the February 13 “Souper Bowl of Caring,” collection, three-quarters was put in the Cincinnati Bengals’ pot. It is not too late to contribute; mark your envelope or check memo line with “Souper Bowl” or “Food Pantry.” Thank you to all who donated.
Annual Meeting
Like last year, still for pandemic reasons, arrangements for our annual meeting are different from our usual procedure:
There will be a short congregational meeting in the sanctuary following worship on Sunday, February 27. Items for action will be the election of officers, and voting on the proposed terms of call for the pastor for 2022. Annual Reports will be available for review beginning at about 10 a.m. that day, and questions on the reports, including the 2022 Budget, can be answered at the meeting.
Grace Lutheran Church will host a Trivia Night fundraiser for Faith in Action on Sunday, February 27, from 4 to 8 P.M., at the Grace Lutheran Community Center, and encourages individuals or teams of 6 to participate for trophies and cash prizes. More information is on the Assembly Room bulletin board.
Ash Wednesday, March 2 – The season of Lent begins with “Ash Wednesday” on March 2. We will need to begin this season of preparation for Holy Week a little differently from recent years, due to pandemic precautions. Tentative plans at this point are to omit the soup supper together, and gather for a shortened socially-distanced, modified worship service at 7:00, including an introduction to the Season of Lent.
MARCH 6. . . will be the first Sunday in the season of Lent,
and our service will include the Sacrament of
the Lord’s Supper.
Wednesday Lent Services – Planning is underway for the annual Noon community thirty-minute music and short message services, held in our sanctuary, beginning March 9. We will not be able to serve lunch after the services this year.