

July 2020

Virtual Vacation Bible School July 19-23, 2020

By |July 2nd, 2020|Announcements, Community Outreach, Youth|

Virtual Vacation Bible School: This year’s five-church cooperative VBS, which we are part of, will be a “Virtual VBS,” which families can engage in together watching their computer or smartphone. A new session will be posted each morning July 19 through 23 to the Paris Otterbein United Methodist Church Facebook page. It will also be [...]

May 2019

January 2019

Photos of Fall Youth Outing

By |January 22nd, 2019|Announcements, Youth|

Nine youth and four adults spent a fun day at the Southfork Homestead south of Paris on Sunday, October 14. Here are some photos to enjoy.

November 2018

Youth Event November 18, 2-5 p.m. Sheweys

By |November 5th, 2018|Announcements, Youth|

Paris Christian Youth Fellowship (PCYF) November 18   2:00-5:00 p.m.  Begin at Shewey’s Paint Your Own Pottery Studio Make item for yourself or for a gift for someone Mugs, ornaments, trays/holders, etc. Items cost $10 and up Conclude at Burger King for drinks, devotions, & fellowship