

September 2020

“Coming to Worship”/Psalm 84; Deut. 10: 12-21/Rev. Rodger Allen/ 9.13.2020/Joint Worship Service with New Providence

By |September 15th, 2020|Sermons|

“Coming to Worship” . . . is different for most church groups these days than it was before March of this year – for some church groups very different, for others some relatively minor differences. And we could talk about how we are gathering for worship now, and what those differences are. But I have another more basic question today: Why . . . do people come to church? Why do people come to church? Why do . . . you . . . come to church? When I started making a list, of reasons I’ve read or heard, stating why people should come to worship, and of reasons I’ve heard people give about why they actually do come and worship, it only took a few minutes to come up with quite a few. And as I kept adding to the list new reasons that occurred to me, for a day or two, I finally ended up with . . . wait, no, I’m not going to tell you how many. For those of you who like to keep score, you can count, as we go along today, and we’ll see what number you’ve come up with at the end. Also listen, as we go, for which reasons match why you come to church, which ones describe you. And I’ll bet you’ll be able to come up with some more I haven’t thought of. Why do people come to church. […]

Sermon Videos

By |September 1st, 2020|Sermons|

For Videos of sermons, please copy and paste this web address in your internet browser:    

April 2020

“Jesus in Jerusalem: 2. Wednesday to Saturday”/Mark 14; 1-11; Mark 14: 12-62, selected verses; Mark 15: 1-46, selected verses/4.5.2020/Rev. Rodger Allen

By |April 18th, 2020|Sermons|

In the last message, we began a day-to-day look at the events of Holy Week, the week that goes from Palm Sunday to Easter – the final week of Jesus’ life. We considered the events of Sunday the Day of Procession, when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, to the shouts of “Hosanna!” from the people; the events of Monday, the Day of Cleansing, when he cleared the Temple of those who were using God’s house for greed and exploitation instead of worship; and the events of Tuesday, the Day of Teaching, when Jesus taught through parable, debate, example, prophecy, and Law. These are events that all the gospel writers made sure to report on, in some detail; they considered them to be important. These are the things that Jesus chose to do with his last few days, knowing his life was about to end; he must have considered them to be very important. […]

March 2020

Rev. Rodger’s Sermon on Facebook page

By |March 27th, 2020|Announcements, Sermons|

Hi congregation. Want to let you know that we were able to get a video Scripture and sermon (which would have been the subject of last Sunday’s service, if we could have been here) onto our Facebook page yesterday.  It is an open page, so anyone with internet can visit, not just those with their [...]

“Lent: Preparing for Holy Week”/Luke 9: 51-62; Isaiah 58: 3, 6-10/Rev. Rodger Allen/3.8.2020

By |March 10th, 2020|Sermons|

One might think that the best time for me to present an Introduction to the Season of Lent would be on the first Sunday in Lent, which was last Sunday. But last Sunday’s service included both of our sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper – only the second time I can remember that happening in my nearly sixteen years here. So I couldn’t resist presenting a discussion of sacraments then, and saving Lent’s introduction for today. […]