Paris Presbyterian Church
Announcements, week of 5-22-2022
The church Session would like us to try a return to our after-worship Fellowship Times, where we can visit with one another and enjoy light snacks, on a once-a-month schedule, the first Sunday of each month, beginning June 5. Would you be willing to provide the snacks for one of them? A sign-up sheet is on the counter in the upstairs kitchen, or you can call the church office at 217-465-5118 to offer.
Our “Church Family of the Week” is Juanita & Al Kimball. Please think of them and include them in your prayers – and look for some way to let them know you are glad they are part of our church family! Cards would reach them at 529 E. Court St.
Planning is underway for the cooperative Paris Methodist and Presbyterian Churches Vacation Bible School. Dates have been set, for the evenings of July 10 through 14, and the location this year will be First Methodist Church. Please let your young friends know – age 3 through entering 6th grade. And we will be looking for volunteers to help with VBS. “Our night” to provide the dinner and lesson will be Tuesday, July 12. Other opportunities include:
- Helping with music or crafts or games any or all of the evenings,
- Helping serve dinner on any of the evenings,
- Accompanying one of the age groups through all their activities, any or all of the evenings.
New card on the bulletin board: “Thank you so much for your hospitality in hosting our BSF group. We really appreciate it!” BSF is Bible Study Fellowship, an ecumenical women’s Bible Study group who meets here Thursday mornings, and has now begun their summer break.
. . . announcement this week from Hopes and Dreams, one of the Paris organizations we support with our mission donations: “Dreams Achieved Lately: (1) We are currently housing 7 teens in Hope House Apartments. Each of these teens are working jobs and are enrolled in school. (2) Furnished our 49th student apartment.” For information on the other Hopes and Dreams efforts to help homeless teens, visit their Facebook page.
June 5:
Pentecost Worship – the story of the Holy Spirit coming to the first disciples; “the birthday of the Christian Church.” Many worshipers, as part of their celebration, will wear red to church, symbolizing the “tongues of fire” mentioned in Acts 2:3. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Upcoming Meetings: Session – Tuesday, June 7, 5:00-6:00