Paris Presbyterian Church
Announcements, week of 8-9-2020
Lord’s Supper: As part of our August 23 worship service, we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Individually-wrapped wafer/grape-juice-cup packets have been ordered, so we can each pick one up as we enter and discard it as we leave (as we are doing with our worship bulletins).
Christie Russell is leaving photographs of various church events through the years, such as VBS, Sunday School classes, and Victorian Luncheons, in the church office. Members can stop by to see them, and to take the ones they want. Thank you, Christie!
Drive-Thru Fish Fry: New Providence Church’s annual Jonah Fish fry is a drive-thru only event this year, on Saturday August 29 from 4:00 to 7:00. The $10 meal includes a choice of a full meal, including dessert, or fish only with extra pieces.
Worship at New Providence: Our annual joint outdoor worship service with the New Providence congregation will take place at 10:00 (note start time!) on Sunday September 13. We will not be able to enjoy a picnic lunch together this year, but can enjoy the worship together. Please bring lawn chairs if you have them.
Every year our church offers the chance to participate in the Presbyterian Church USA’s four annual “Special Offerings,” each for their own unique projects, as well as a couple special offerings for some specific congregational projects. Usually these offerings are spread out through the calendar year, but this year there was a big chunk of that calendar in which we did not meet for worship! So between now and October, we will offer you the chance to “catch up” with whichever of the offerings you would like. We do not expect everyone to give to everything; here are your upcoming choices:
Early August – One Great Hour of Sharing (disaster assistance, hunger programs, self-development of people)
Late August – Pentecost Offering (programs for children, youth, young adults)
September – Our own Deacons’ ministries
October – Peace and Global Witness (local, regional, and worldwide peacemaking efforts)
Information on what each offering is used for will be provided; Aug. 2 & 9 bulletin inserts describe some of the people helped by One Great Hour of Sharing. (There are also “fish coin boxes” on the table at the back and by the Kafe, if you prefer that method).
Virtual Vacation Bible School: This year’s five-church cooperative VBS, which we are part of, was a “Virtual VBS,” which families can engage in together watching their computer or smartphone. Sessions were posted each day July 19 through 23, and can be viewed on our Facebook page. Each session runs 20 to 30 minutes and includes Bible stories, skits, and songs. It is intended primarily for ages Kindergarten through 5th grade, but is available, of course, for all.
Aug. 10 Robert Howrey
12 Karen Scott
Autumn Lewis
13 Michael McCrocklin
14 Clark Piper
Jeanette Levellie
15 Mindy Lolie
In the coming week, please pray for:
- Our church, Yourself, Laurie, Rev. Rodger,
- Our nation and her leaders, Alice Sprague, Betty Dahlin,
- Margie Taflinger, Virginia Collier
- Kathy and Ilse Smilie, Ruff’s niece Amy Eaker Lair,
- Jillian Hebermehl: cancer, Jane Blair: heart tests,
- Kenisha Davis, Camille Foley, Vicky Wilson,
- Grace DiPasquale: terminal cancer,
- Barbara Bergdolt: gastroparesis & other,
- Family of Heather Switek (memorial was 8-7),
- Jeanie Kerrick: heart issues and lower back & hip pain,
- Kay and Gary Hayes: recurring cancer in Gary,
- Students, teachers, and parents starting the school year,
- An end to the Coronavirus & healing for those affected,
- All healthcare workers and their families
Please remember them with a card, email, text or message