Special Offering for Our Deacons

As many of you know, the Deacons are not included in the church General Budget and must raise their own funds. They do so by selling flowers for Christmas and Easter; and through the Ice Cream Social, which had to be cancelled in this virus year. They also started an annual offering a few years back to give the members/friends of our church another opportunity to support their work. There are several Board of Deacon projects that require funds to complete. This year we will collect this offering on Sundays through September 12. You may use a “Deacons Fund” envelope from the table at the rear of the sanctuary, or any envelope clearly marked “Deacons.”

 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has created a special account to assist the people of Haiti following the earthquake there. As of August 18, nearly 2000 have died, 10,000 injured, and 30,000 families are homeless. Hospitals and food sources have also been badly damaged. If you would like to give through PDA, please designate your gifts to OG100000 – Haiti. You can give online at pda.pcusa.org, or by phone at 800-872-3283, mail a check to Presbyterian Church (USA), PO Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700, or by cash or check through our church.

 Happy Birthday!

August       22      LaNee Pfeiffer                

                   23      Gwyneth Blair

                   23      Logan Blair

                   24      Dodie Turner

                   25      Seth Gough

                   27      Alice Sprague

In the coming week, please pray for:

  • Our church, Yourself, Rev. Laurie, Rev. Rodger,
  • Alice Sprague, Our nation and her leaders,
  • Kenisha Davis, Virginia Collier, Camille Foley,
  • The family of Judy Landes, An end to the Coronavirus