The annual National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 6 this year. For our local observance, the Paris Ministerial  Fellowship is replacing the usual breakfast event, just this year, with a Noon outdoor gathering where the community can gather to pray together. We will have a tent outside the courthouse.

        Planning is underway for the cooperative Paris Methodist and Presbyterian Churches Vacation Bible School. Dates have been set, for the evenings of July 11 through 15, and the location this year will be Otterbein Methodist Church. Please let your young friends know – age 3 through entering 6th grade. And we will be looking for volunteers to help with VBS. “Our night” to provide the dinner and lesson will be Monday, July 12. Other opportunities include:

  • Helping with music or crafts or games any or all of the evenings,
  • Helping serve dinner on any of the evenings,
  • Accompanying one of the age groups through all their activities, any or all of the evenings.

Please speak with Beth Ruff or Rodger Allen if you would like more information.


April               27        Cole McCulloch

                        28        Alicia Howrey Planincic

                        30        Matt Boland

                                     Kenisha Davis

May                  2        Jane Bittner

 FAITH IN ACTION Drive-through Pork Loin or Hot Dog Meal:

  • Friday, May 14, 2021
  • 3:30-7 P.M. (or until they run out!)
  • Knights of Columbus Hall
  • Price: Donation
  • ALL proceeds go to Faith in Action of Edgar County


              For several years, the Paris Ministerial Fellowship’s Assistance Program, which can help people with rent, utilities, or other needs, has relied on volunteers to administer the program. They interview the applicants and make decisions on the most appropriate way to assist them. Our congregation has provided several of these volunteers, most recently Tom Hebermehl and Camille Foley. Camille is not available right now, and PMF in cooperation with the Compassionate Clothing Closet would like to resume the program as soon as possible (after having had to cease usual operations due to the pandemic), from 10 A.M. to Noon, on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, at the CCC. Full training will be provided, and you would only be needed once a month, on the months you are available. Please consider whether you can help some of your Paris neighbors in this way. If you have questions, you can ask

Tom or Rodger.


In the coming week, please pray for:

  • Our church,
  • Yourself,
  • Laurie,
  • Rodger,
  • Alice Sprague,
  • Our nation and her leaders,
  • Kenisha Davis,
  • Virginia Collier,
  • Camille Foley,
  • Laurie’s nephew, Brandon,
  • Teachers & Students,
  • John O’Bannon,
  • Carmen Minge (recovery from hip surgery),
  • Jeanette’s mom, Doris (broken pelvis),
  • Healthcare workers and their families,
  • An end to the Coronavirus & healing for those affected