Ash Wednesday, February 17 – The season of Lent begins with “Ash Wednesday” on February 17. We will need to begin this season of preparation for Holy Week a little differently from recent years, due to pandemic precautions. We will omit the soup supper together, and gather for a shortened socially-distanced worship service at 7:00, including an introduction to the Season of Lent. It will feature the imposition of ashes, for those who would like to participate, but in a way that we do not need to stand in line close to one another.
Lent Devotionals – A variety of daily devotional booklets for the season of Lent will be made available again, as we get closer to the first day of the season, February 17. Another option: The Presbyterian Church USA has one available for your reading or for download at Or you can let Rev. Rodger know if you would like him to forward the email with the links to you.
We may have some unhappy football fans: Out of the over $300 collected for the Edgar County Food Pantry (so far) at Feb. 7’s “Souper Bowl of Caring,” collection, three-quarters was put in the Kansas City Chief’s pot. It is not too late to contribute; mark your envelope or check memo line with “Souper Bowl” or “Food Pantry.” Thank you to all who donated.
FEBRUARY 21 . . . will be the first Sunday in the season of Lent, and our service
will include the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Wednesday Lent Services – Planning is underway for the annual Noon community thirty-minute music and short message services, held in our sanctuary, beginning February 24. We will not be able to serve lunch after the services this year.
Thank you to our Deacons and Parish Visitors, who take turns making sure Ruth Anthony can join us for Sunday worship. The Sundays in March and April will be the Parish Visitors’ turn again, and they are a bit short-staffed right now, counting the people who aren’t coming to worship during the pandemic. Can you help them out, by bringing Ruth one of those Sundays? Please contact the church office, where a schedule is being assembled.
The deadline for submitting articles or information for the March/April issue of the church newsletter, the “Profile,” is February 28.
For this pandemic year only, arrangements for our annual meeting are different:
There will be a short congregational meeting in the sanctuary following worship on Sunday, February 28. There will be two items for action:
- To vote yes or no to extend the terms of all current officers for one year- with one exception: Larry Jones and Tom Hebermehl would like to “switch places,” Tom going to Session and Larry to Deacons.
- To vote on the proposed terms of call for the pastor for 2021.
Annual Reports will be available for review beginning at about 10 a.m. that day, and questions on the reports, including the 2021 Budget, can be answered at the meeting.
We are aware that this proposal is technically in violation of a couple phrases in our church Constitution/By-Laws, but feel that the emergency circumstances of this pandemic year make this the safest most responsible way to proceed.
February 16 Levi Ray
17 Chris Benefiel
18 Ruth Anthony
20 Cole Hodge
In the coming week, please pray for:
- Our church, Yourself, Rev. Laurie, Rev. Rodger,
- Alice Sprague, Betty Dahlin, Our nation and her leaders,
- Virginia Collier, Kathy and Ilse Smilie, Kenisha Davis,
- Camille Foley, Christie Russell, Teachers, and parents,
- Healthcare workers and their families, Students,
- An end to the Coronavirus & healing for those affected
Please remember these with a text, call, card, or email.