The Presbyterian Church of Paris, IL
Announcements, week of November 22, 2020
2021 pledge packets were distributed last week. We hope you will mail your pledge cards to the church office or put them in the offering plate over the next 2 or 3 weeks.
THANK YOU for your prayerful faithfulness.
Our congregation has been doing a very good job providing the financial support for our church budget for most of this very strange socially-distanced 2020; thank you. During the last couple of months, however, income has fallen behind our giving patterns for 2017 to 2019, and behind our budgeted expenses. Would those of you who are in a position to do so be able to check your recent giving, and see if it has kept up with the level you intended? Thank you. –Paris Presbyterian Stewardship Committee
Rev. Rodger will be on vacation for a few days beginning Wednesday, November 25. Administrative Assistant Jeanette Levellie will have contact information in case of pastoral care emergency.
November 29 Worship: The season of Advent, for preparing ourselves for the coming of Jesus at Christmas, begins next Sunday, November 29, including the first Sunday of lighting our Advent wreath.
December 6 Worship: The second Sunday in the season of Advent, including the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
The season of Advent, when we prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus, runs from November 29 to December 24 this year. We have a variety of Advent daily devotional booklets displayed on the table in the hallway, and invite you to take your pick! We also have daily open-a-window Advent calendars for the children. Or here is another option: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is offering a daily online devotional. You can find it at: And new this year: an online devotional from the Presbyterian Church (USA), at
The annual Advent Choral Service was not going to be an option this pandemic year, since it involves a large community choir singing. Thank you to Susan for looking into the possibility of a December 6 Advent Music Service, featuring soloists instead – but due to the current increase in cases and state mitigations, we have decided not to pursue that further.
In the coming week, please pray for:
- Our church, Yourself,
- Laurie, Rev. Rodger,
- Our nation and her leaders,
- Alice Sprague, Betty Dahlin,
- Margie Taflinger, Virginia Collier,
- Kathy and Ilse Smilie, Camille Foley,
- Family of Deb Benefiel’s brother, following his passing,
- Christie Russell’s sister & Alan’s brother: cancer,
- Kenisha Davis, Barbara Bergdolt,
- Dave Barrett: hospitalized with Coronavirus,
- Pam Brown: upcoming surgery,
- All healthcare workers and their families,
- Richard Melendez: Brain bleed and dementia,
- Daryl (cancer) & Janet (dementia & heart problems),
- Students, teachers, and parents,
- An end to the Coronavirus & healing for those affected
Please remember these with a text, call, card, or email.