Paris Presbyterian Church Announcements, week of 12-13-2020

Both Virginia Collier and John O’Bannon are at the Marshall Rehab and Nursing Center for a while, and also appreciate cards. The address is:

Marshall Rehab & Nursing Center

410 N. 2nd St.

Marshall, IL 62441


December 24 at 11 P.M.   

    Thursday, December 24 worship, 11 P.M.: Midnight . . . Candlelight . . . “Silent Night” . . . That’s Christmas Eve. Please don’t miss our beautiful 11 P.M. to Midnight Candlelight Christmas Eve service. We will tell the Christmas story in lessons and carols, featuring much special music and the series of Bible readings about angels, shepherds, wise men, and God’s wonderful gift.

       Our next issue of the church newsletter, “The Profile,” will cover both January and February. If you have events or information you’d like included, please contact the church office by December 27.

 THANK YOU to all who helped with our simpler-than-usual socially-distanced decorating of the church

December 12.


In the coming week, please pray for:

  • Our church, Yourself,
  • Laurie, Rev. Rodger,
  • Our nation and her leaders,
  • Alice Sprague, Betty Dahlin,
  • Margie Taflinger, Virginia Collier,
  • Kathy and Ilse Smilie,
  • Kenisha Davis, Camille Foley, Barbara Bergdolt,
  • John O’Bannon: many health issues,
  • All healthcare workers and their families,
  • Students, teachers, and parents,
  • An end to the Coronavirus & healing for those affected,
  • Connie Houston: Covid,
  • Mallory Atkinson (Page Patrick’s niece: lymphoma)


Please remember these with a text, call, card, or email.