With the May 29 change in the state of Illinois rules, things that were “laws,” including gatherings of no more than ten people, have become, only for places of worship, “strongly recommended guidance” instead. Your session has been trying to discern the wisest safest course of action for when and how we return to worship in our building (there are many details to consider), and we should have a plan to announce to you soon.
Our weekly worship services consisting of Call to Worship, Scripture readings, sermon, and prayer are videos on the church Facebook page It is an open page, so anyone with internet can visit, not just those with their own Facebook accounts.
During this time we are not gathering in worship, our Treasurer is able to pick up the mail at the church a couple times a week. We ask that those of you who are in a position to keep up with your intended giving please consider doing so, by mailing your contribution to the church (241 W. Court St., Paris).
For quite a few years now, we have held a “Spring Fling” Sunday in May, when our worship service is followed by an outdoor picnic, and a group flower planting and landscaping time, on the church grounds. This year we were unable to do that. Many thanks to Jani Howrey, Dale Thomas, and Tom Hebermehl, who took care of the flower planting part (at an appropriate social distance from one another, of course). You can see the results of their work across the front of the church.
Now that the Illinois “Stay at Home” order is past, we have resumed office hours at the church. This is “for now,” for as we add more church activities in the coming weeks (e.g. in-building worship services, which may include a printed bulletin), we will be adjusting them further. For now, you can count on both Jeanette and Rodger being in Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:00, and other Monday-Thursday daytime hours as needed, Rodger will be in, for example, at least parts of all weekdays Monday-Thursday. And we are both available by phone or in-person appointment (doing the appropriate social distancing, masking, etc.) other times Monday-Thursday, if you would like to call or email ahead. We’re both looking forward to being more in touch with you over the coming weeks!
Now through Wednesday, June 10th: Please use the church phone number (465-5118) or Jeanette’s home email ( to reach here, as her office mail is temporarily out of service.
June 5 Tony Grimes, Jr.
7 Susan Farris
9 Sheryl Clark
10 Jonathon Franklin
11 Paul Koehler
In the coming week, please pray for:
- Our church, Yourself, Laurie, Rev. Rodger, Our nation and her leaders,
- Alice Sprague, Ilse Smilie, Virginia Collier – temporarily at Paris Health Care,
- Kathy and Ilse Smilie: decisions on best caregiving, Margie Taflinger,
- Betty Dahlin, Kenisha Davis, Ruff’s niece Amy Eaker Lair: cancer,
- Camille Foley: upcoming July, Danielle Lindsey: chemo for breast cancer,
- Barbara Bergdolt: diagnosis of gastroparesis,
- Sue Good Bennett: Healing of cancer in jaw and bones in mouth,
- An end to the Coronavirus & healing for those affected,
- All healthcare workers and their families
Deuteronomy 31:6 (AMP) Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.
Romans 8:31 (AMP) What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]